
Canon A710 is (recién comprada, <:-( ), iso 100, 1 seg., f/2.8, 35 mm (eq)

Una escalera en el interior del Teatro El Princesa, cerca de la Terminal de Ómnibus de La Plata. Podría ilustrar un cuento de Lovecraft.

3 comentarios:

  1. I like this a lot, very moody and the dark shape on the right makes me want to know what is happening there.

  2. Like your other picture with the cross the light here is great and I like the colors, shame it is a bit blurry though. The mood it creates is good so and I find the colors work well.

  3. Thank you, John and Cristi. I knew the pic is blurry, it has an entire second of exposure by hand, but still has "atmosphere"... I love abandoned places and think that they're are among the best sites to take photos.


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